Saturday, November 26, 2011

Guide To Creating AutoResponder Letters

Guide To Creating AutoResponder Letters

AutoResponders are powerful tools. Successful online marketers use them to automate repetitive sales tasks, build and manage multiple prospect lists, and send out regular articles, updates, and announcements. 

More than providing an automated response to an inquiry, AutoResponders can be your own automated sales force working online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used properly, AutoResponders can automate the process of building your lists, following up with your prospects, and helping you close more sales. 

Let's look at how someone might use AutoResponders to help build a list of targeted prospects. 

The first step is to create 5 to 7 messages about your offer and add them to your AutoResponder Campaign. 

These messages can be set to go out every 2 days.. With 7 messages, your prospects would receive your sales messages over a 2 week period. 

Here is a simple guideline you can use to create your own follow-up letters: 

Message 1: Sent Out Immediately. 

In this message you would thank them for requesting your information. Give them a brief history about yourself to build some credibility. They need to know you are qualified to share the information with them. Then give them an overview of the information you are offering. 

Be sure to include a link to your web site so they can get further details, place an order, or contact you for more information. 

It's also a good idea to include your name and email address. Include a phone number if you want prospects to call you. 

Message 2: Sent Out 2 Days Later. 

In this message, you may want to give them a brief reminder of what you covered in your first message and focus on the benefits of your offer. What's in it for them? How is your product, service, or opportunity different from others? Use this message to let them know. 

And be sure to invite them to your web site, include the link to your site, and include your name and email address so they can contact you. 

Message 3: Sent Out 2 Days Later. 

This might be a good place to include some testimonials from your company or a little more of your own personal story. If you are new and haven't quite created your own story yet, share success stories and testimonials from others that have used your products or services. Give an overview of how people are using your product or service. If you are promoting an affiliate plan, explain how others are building their income with your plan. 

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you. 

Message 4: Sent Out 2 Days Later. 

In this message, pick one feature in particular to focus on. Maybe it's about how your offer can help them save money, be more productive, lose weight, make money, etc... 

Remind them that you are available to answer questions and provide support. 

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you. 

Message 5: Sent Out 2 Days Later. 

Use this message to be a little more personal. Let your prospects know that you are available to help them in any way you can. This message could be used to simply thank them again for requesting your information and assuring them that you are a real human being and interested in helping them succeed. 

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you. 

Message 6: Sent Out 2 Days Later. 

Use this message to stress another set of features from your offer. Share a few more testimonials from others or from your own experiences with your product, service, or opportunity. 

Briefly review some of the details you have shared from previous letters. 

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you. 

Message 7: Sent Out 2 Days Later. 

This message can be used to ask for some feedback from your prospects. Tell them you have enjoyed sending the information and you hope it was helpful to them. Ask them if they have any concerns or what might be preventing them from making the decision to purchase from you or join with you. 

Sometimes, you will get some good feedback from folks. They may share some concerns they have or tell you why they feel your offer may not be for them at this time. 

Thank them for agreeing to receive your information and let them know you are still available to answer any questions they may have. 

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you. 

Now That Your Letters Are Created And Ready To Go: 

Once the letters are loaded in to your AutoResponder Campaign, your next step is to begin getting prospects for your AutoResponder to follow up with. 

The idea here is to begin advertising to attract prospects to your offer. Give people a compelling reason to request your information. This is where you want to start thinking like your prospects. You are asking them for at least a name and email address. What are you giving them in return? 

Maybe your information shows them how to start and profit from their own home based business. Maybe you are offering tips on how to better protect their identity. Maybe you are offering weight loss tips or nutritional information. Maybe you are offering information on how to promote a web site. 

Since I sell AutoResponders, I offer prospects free information to show them how AutoResponders can help boost their online sales. 

I have added a subscription form to my web sites. 

I use lead capture pages. 

I include my email subscription address in my ads. 

I include my email subscription address and/or my URL in discussion forum posts. 

Then I focus all of my advertising on my lead capture pages so that people will request more information from me. I don't try to sell them up front. I want to capture their information first. THEN I will focus on following up to close the sale. 

As people request your information by filling out your subscription forms or emailing your AutoResponder, their information is captured in your database. 

Now your AutoResponder goes to work sending out your sales message. 

For the next two weeks, your prospects will be receiving your sales letters. You don't have to remember to send them out. You don't have to remember which prospect has received which letter. Your AutoResponder is working for you behind the scenes. 

Now your focus should be on two things:

1.     Continuing to advertise to get more prospects in to your AutoResponder
2.     Using the feedback you get from prospects to adjust your letters.

You may need to make a few changes. Maybe you see a recurring question from prospects. That recurring question is letting you know that you may need to cover that information a little better or more in depth. 

This is just a simple guideline you can use to create your own follow-up messages for your AutoResponder. You may use more letters or less. The average for successful marketers seems to be in the 5 to 9 range. 

Notice that each letter ended with a "call to action" where you invite the prospect to your web site or to contact you for more information. 

This "call to action" is a critical element to the success of your messages. You must let prospects know what to do next and how to do it.

Yours in success, 
Amin Fafizullah Bin Omar LLC

P.S. You can review this and all of our other Training Articles online by logging in to your back office at  and clicking "Training Articles".

P.P.S. Was this training article helpful? Let us know how we can improve. We welcome your feedback and comments.  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Setting Up Your AutoResponder

Setting Up Your AutoResponder

Hello, My Friends

This Training Article is designed to help you get started with setting up your AutoResponder. We are going to cover four distinct steps in today's article:
  • Creating An AutoResponder Campaign
  • Creating Your Custom Confirmation Message.
  • Creating Your First AutoResponder Message.
  • Personalizing Your AutoResponder Messages.
Creating an AutoResponder Campaign:
  1. Click "Campaign Manager" in the AutoResponder section:

    Email Marketing Campaign Manager
  2. Click "Create New Campaign" on the left of your screen.

    Create New Email Marketing Campaign
  3. Type in your "New Campaign Nickname". This will be the name of your new AutoResponder campaign.
  4. Enter a description for your new campaign. This will help you quickly identify this campaign in the future.
  5. Click "Create New Campaign" to create the new AutoResponder campaign.
    (In the screen that pops up, click "Confirm" to save your settings.)

    In the new screen that comes up, you can change your "Return Email" name, your "Return Email Address", and  your "Campaign Title" by clicking  Update Campaign Profile Information . This information can be changed any time you like and as often as you like.
Your new AutoResponder Campaign Has been Started.

Creating A Custom Confirmation Message:

Your new AutoResponder campaign already has a generic confirmation message that is sent any time someone is subscribed to your AutoResponder. Creating your own custom confirmation message can dramatically increase your confirmation rate.

To create your custom confirmation message:
  1. Scroll down the screen and click "View" next to "Confirmation Letter".

  2. Click  Edit Conf. Letter 
  3. Enter your custom confirmation message in to the "Message Body" form.
  4. Check the box to indicate that you have read and agree to the policy:

  5. DO NOT add any outside links or email addresses to this message.

    The sole purpose of this message is to have prospects confirm or deny their interest in receiving your information. By adding outside links or email addresses, you will be opening yourself up to spam complaints which, as per our policies, will cause your account to be terminated.

  6. Click "Submit Campaign Confirmation Message".
    Your new custom confirmation message will appear in the next screen.
Creating Your Followup Messages: has a powerful WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor to help you create anything from a simple text-type message to a full-blown web site complete with graphics, tables, and formatting to suit your tastes and objectives. 

(NOTE: In order to prevent being logged out of the system and losing your changes, be sure to save your letters every few minutes.)

  1. Click the grey "Letters" tab.

  2. Click "Create New Letter" on the left of your screen.

    We recommend clicking the  WYSIWYG Editor Tips  button on the left of your screen to become familiar with the powerful features and options available to you.
  3. We'll use the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor to create your new letter. You can type your information in to the Subject Line field and the WYSIWYG Letter Body Editor field.

    Note About Copy and Paste:

    If you want to copy and paste text from a text editor such as "Notepad" or "BBEdit" be sure to use the "Paste as Plain Text" icon. This will help preserve any formatting from your text editor.

    If you are copying and pasting from a word processor such as Microsoft Word, use the "Paste from Microsoft Word" icon. This will help preserve any formatting that is typically found in programs like Microsoft Word and other similar word processing programs.

    Be sure to use the proofread message button to view and confirm that the formatting is as you intended.
  4. After you have created your first letter, click "Save This Letter" at the top or bottom of your screen. Don't worry if the letter isn't perfect or formatted just the way you want it right now. You can always go back and edit any of your letters at any time.
  5. Scheduling Your Letters To Be Delivered.

    When you first save your letter, it is found in the Stored (Held) Letters section. Stored letters are NOT sent out automatically.

    In order for your letters to begin going out automatically, you will need to enter a number  in the "# Days Delay" box.

    If you want your letter to go out immediately after your subscriber confirms their request, enter a zero ( 0 ).

    If you want the letter to go out 1 day later, enter a 1.
    If you want the letter to go out 2 days later, enter a 2.

    If you wanted your letters to go out once a week, you would set up your # Days Delay like this:

    Letter 1: 0 Days Delay (goes out instantly)
    Letter 2: 7 Days Delay (goes out 1 week later)
    Letter 3: 14 Days Delay (goes out 2 weeks later)
    and so on ...
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 above to create your next letters. Your AutoResponder campaign will support an unlimited number of letters. You can change any letter any time you like. To change the order of your letters, just change the number in the "# Days Delay" field and click "Submit Delay Changes".
Personalizing Your Messages:
Which subject line would be more likely to attract your attention as you sort through emails?:

"Here is your new link to savings"

"Amin, here is your link to savings"

Clearly, the subject line that has your name is more appealing. You can personalize your subject lines and your messages with our powerful personalization options.

To personalize your subject lines:
  1. Place your mouse cursor in the Subject Line field where ever you want your subscriber's name to appear.
  2. Select either "Name", "First Name", or "First Name" and "Last Name" in the "Add Token" section below your Subject Line. (Be sure you are using the appropriate token. If you are collecting the full name of your subscribers as one field, you will need to select "Name". If you are collecting the first and last name separately, you can use "First Name" by itself for the first name or "First Name" and "Last Name" to insert their full name.)
  3. Click the "Add" button.
    The selected Token should appear where you placed your mouse cursor.
To personalize your message body:
  1. Place your mouse cursor where you would like the subscriber's information to appear.
  2. Click the "Custom Tokens" icon: 
  3. In the window that comes up, select the information you would like inserted in to the message body.
  4. Click "OK".

Congratulations! You have just created your first autoresponder, set up your first letter, and personalized your message with your subscriber's name!

Not a bad start!

Tomorrow's article will cover information on how to set up capture forms for use in our own hosted lead capture pages and adding capture forms to your own web site (if you have one).

Yours in success, 
Amin Fafizullah Bin Omar LLC

P.S. You can review this and all of our other Training Articles online by logging in to your back office at and clicking "Training Articles".

P.P.S. Was this training article helpful? Let us know how we can improve. We welcome your feedback and comments.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 Tutorials Tutorials
Hello, my  friends..

You have just been subscribed to Tutorials. This is a series of messages designed to help you understand and benefit from the AutoResponder system.

Whether this is your first time using AutoResponders or if you consider yourself a seasoned professional, these tutorials will help you gain a solid overall understanding of the system and how it can benefit you in your business.

I recommend that you save these messages to your computer or maybe even print them out and add them to a folder or binder for future reference.

 In a hurry? You do not have to wait for each Training Article to arrive in your inbox. If you are in a hurry or want to move on to the next article, just log in to your back office at any time and click on "Training Articles" in the back office home page.

This is a quick and convenient way to find and reference training articles and common answers to frequently asked questions.

Our tech team has taken great care to provide step by step instructions and answers to virtually every question we have received over the years. 

The Training Articles are absolutely your key to success with the AutoResponder system.
Right now, thousands of businesses from around the world are experiencing the power of the AutoResponder system and putting it to use in their own business model. There are many ways to use AutoResponders.

Click Here to see a few examples of how some of our other
clients are benefitting from AutoResponders.

This set of tutorials you are now receiving is a solid example of how AutoResponders can be used to inform, train, and support customers in how to use a product or service. 

 AutoResponders can also be used to:
·  Publish Weekly or Monthly Ezines.
·  Generate Sales Leads.
·  Announce Special Events.
·  Send Out Special Offers.

·  Send out Seasonal Offers.
·  Provide Product or Service Support.
·  Educate and Inform Customers.
·  Train Sales Personnel.
·  Update and Inform Club Members.
·  And much more ...

Another powerful tool that comes with your account is the AdTracker. Using the AdTracker system, you will be able to tell exactly which of your ads, autoresponder messages, links, etc... are producing your results. Many of our clients tell us that they would stick with for the AdTracker alone! 

This one tool can have a dramatic impact on helping you make decisions about which ads to continue and which ads to discontinue.

For now, the best way to start learning the system is to log in to your back office and spend a few minutes clicking the links to see how you can easily navigate the back office.

Tomorrow, you will begin receiving step by step instructions for setting up each of your tools, starting with your AutoResponder.

Need Help? If you find yourself needing help or unable to find an answer in your Training Articles, feel free to open a Support Ticket or check out our Member Discussion Forum by placing your mouse over "Help/Support" in the grey toolbar along the top of your back office. 

The Member Discussion Forum is a great way to get help and advice from other members and share a few tips of your own.

The "Get Support" link takes you to our Online Support Ticket system where you can ask questions about your specific account at any time. This system is monitored during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.

 We're excited to have you join us. We look forward to being a solid part of your business success.

Yours in success, 
Amin Fafizullah Bin Omar LLC

P.S. You can review this and all of our other Training Articles online by logging in to your back office at and clicking "Training Articles".

P.P.S. Was this training article helpful? Let us know how we can improve. We welcome your feedback and comments.  

How To Earn With

How To Earn With
Hello, dear...

We are excited to have you with us at and we're excited that you want to learn how to build additional income by referring others to our AutoResponder system.

Thousands of people are turning to some sort of home based business model to either supplement or replace their regular job income. Financial freedom is available to those who are ready to grab on with both hands and commit to creating their revenue streams. We will teach you how to do just that.

The first thing that is very important to understand is that is an AutoResponder company. We provide AutoResponder services to thousands of clients worldwide. Our clients come from a wide variety of business types including retailers, publishers, real estate agents, entertainers, affiliate marketers, network marketers, clubs, religious groups, sports associations, restaurants, and more.

As an AutoResponder company, our first priority is providing a valuable service and superior support to our clients.
To help toward that end, we have created an Affiliate Plan where existing customers can earn additional income by referring other clients to In exchange for you referring new clients to, we allow you to share in the revenues generated by those clients month after month for as long as you remain with us.

What The Affiliate Plan Is NOT:
· This is not a get paid for doing nothing system.
· We don't pay people to click links or surf web sites.
· We don't pay people to simply sign up and then sit around.

What The Affiliate Plan IS:
· An opportunity to develop additional income by referring clients to our service.
· A system designed to reward productivity, initiative, and leadership.
To support you in your efforts to refer clients to, we have provided you with an Affiliate web site that you can promote to attract prospects and generate sales.

You can find your Affiliate URL's by logging in to your back office at

We will also be providing you with sample ads and banners as well as tips and strategies to help you begin generating income as quickly as possible.

If you will commit to spending just a few minutes each day on the strategies and tips that we will be showing you, it is possible to build a very lucrative income in a relatively short amount of time.

When you think about traditional income models, many of us spend years and tens of thousands of dollars on education hoping to land a job that may or may not last and will most likely not generate enough revenues to live the lifestyle we truly desire.

For some of our Affiliates, the goal is to simply generate a few hundred dollars per month to help make ends meet at the end of each month. Maybe they'll use their commissions to cover a car payment or pay for insurance.
For others, the goal may be to create financial independence, fire their boss, and live life on their own terms.
Whatever your personal income goals are, we are here and ready to help you achieve them through the Affiliate plan.

To truly understand the power and value of the system (which will ultimately make you more effective at selling), it is important that you yourself be an active customer. Beyond simply paying for your account, you should be using and benefitting from the tools themselves.

If you have not subscribed to the Tools Training Autoresponder, I recommend you do so now by going to

This will give you the best chance at success with learning and using the tools themselves.
To get an overview of the Affiliate Plan and how you can earn weekly and monthly commissions, take a moment to review

Your next article will arrive tomorrow and will begin digging in to some of the strategies you can use to begin promoting your Affiliate URL and building your customer base.

Yours in success,
Amin Fafizullah Bin Omar LLC

P.S. You can review this and all of our other Training Articles online by logging in to your back office at and clicking "Training Articles".

P.P.S. Was this training article helpful? Let us know how we can improve. We welcome your feedback and comments.