Friday, June 15, 2012

Setting Up Your AutoResponder with TrafficWave Letters

Setting Up Your AutoResponder with TrafficWave Letters

Hello my friends,

This article is designed to show you how to have your AutoResponder set up to promote your Affiliate URL. If you are using our tools to build your primary business, you will find those setup instructions in your back office. If you are subscribed to our Tools Training Messages then you have already begun receiving those instructions.

This particular setup is specifically directed at helping you get your AutoResponder set up to promote Hopefully, you've taken the steps I've given you in the previous emails. You should be replying to emails and contacting your close friends and associates with information about and inviting them to your Affiliate URL.

Now it's time to dig in and start setting up your tools so that we can add other "funnels" to begin bring in even more new prospects for you.

The first step is to set up your AutoResponder with our pre-written letters. These letters have all been written to show prospects how AutoResponders can help them boost their sales and automatically include links to your Affiliate site. So let's get started: 

1.       Place your mouse over "AutoResponder" in the top grey toolbar.

2.       Click "AutoResponder Campaigns".

3.       Click "Create New Campaign" on the left of your screen.
4.       Type in your "New Campaign Nickname". I recommend calling this one "trwv"

5.       Enter a description for your new campaign. This will help you quickly identify this campaign in the future. It should look like this: 
6.       Click "Create New Campaign" to create the new AutoResponder campaign.
(In the screen that pops up, click "Confirm" to save your settings.)
 Your new AutoResponder Campaign Has been Started. Now we will retrieve the pre-written letters in to this new "trwv" AutoResponder:

1.       Go back to your AutoResponder section.


2.       Click "Retrieve Published Campaign" on the left of your screen.


3.       Select the little button next to "Retrieve Master AutoResponder Letters".


4.       Select the "trwv" AutoResponder in the pull-down menu:

5.       Click the "Retrieve Pre-Written AutoResponder Letters" button.
6.       Confirm by clicking "OK" in the window that pops up.

Your new AutoResponder has been created. You now have our pre-written letters installed in your new "trwv" AutoResponder. Take a little time to review the letters so that you can be familiar with what you will be sending your prospects.

Linking your new trwv AutoResponder to your Affiliate Pages:

Now that you have created an AutoResponder, we need to make sure we can get subscribers in to it. We'll start by linking your Affiliate Pages to this new AutoResponder.

1.       Go back to your AutoResponder section.

2.       Click "TRWV Affiliate LCP Pages" on the left of your screen:


3.       Choose "trwv" as your campaign nickname:

4.       Click "Assign Campaign"

Now, any time someone visits your Affiliate site and fills out any of the subscription forms, they will be subscribing to your "trwv" AutoResponder.

If you are not familiar with your Affiliate URL's just go to the "Home" section of your Back Office and look under "Affiliate Status".

Yours in success, 

P.S. You can review this and all of our other Training Articles online by logging in to your back office at and clicking "Training Articles".

P.P.S. Was this training article helpful? Let us know how we can improve. We welcome your feedback and comments.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Three Act Structure Of Emails

The Three Act Structure Of Emails


From now on, every email you send out will consist of 3 Acts. This is a structure that can  be modified to fit ANY type of email or newsletter you’re writing.

And it’s very simple. Every email you write can be broken down into THREE ACTS. 

The Three Act Structure: 

Act I: Introduction/Reason Why 
Act II: Content 
Act III: Call To Action/Sales Copy 

I’ll go into each of these acts in detail…

Act I: 
The first act of your email will comprise the “opening” of the email. In other words, this  will be the first thing your readers see when they begin reading. 

In this sense, it is the introduction of your email. 

You’ll want Act I to begin by addressing the reader. In most autoresponder systems,
you can actually set it up to include the reader’s name in the email. 
So something like:

Should begin the act. 
The introduction should comprise the first couple paragraphs of your email. But most  importantly, is should have REASON WHY copy in it. 

What do I mean by this? 

Well, “reason why copy” is basically sales copy specifically designed to tell the reader
WHY they should be reading, why they should care, and why they should take a desired action. 

It is VERY powerful. 

Starting your email with a good “reason why” is the best way to ensure people will actually read the whole email. 

So something like:

I want you to read this email very carefully, because the survival of your golf
game could very well depend on what you’re about to learn…

…would be a good first act. It addresses the reader, and gives them a strong reason
why they should read the email in the introduction. 

To draft your introduction, just ask yourself “Why should my readers read this email?”  and then work the answer to that into the opening...

Act II: 
The second act of your email will contain your content, and will comprise the bulk of
your email. 

Now, what I mean by “content” could literally be anything. 

It could be a story, an article, a testimonial, whatever. It’s basically what your reader
will be reading, and the point of the email. 

So let’s say you’re writing an email about how to knock a few strokes off your golf
swing. The second act of your email will be all about how to do this. Simple, right? 
So maybe your email now looks like this:

(ACT I:) 
I want you to read this email very carefully, because the survival of your golf
game could very well depend on what you’re about to learn… 

(ACT II:) 
Here’s how you can actually shave 2-3 strokes off your golf swing! 
I was out the other day with my cousin Bernie, and we saw a PARAPELIGIC on
the course who was actually swinging his golf club with his TEETH! 

Now, normally, this would be a site to see on its own – but this guy was actually
sinking drives ONE AFTER THE OTHER. 

After watching in awe, I offered to buy the guy a beer if he agreed to teach me
his amazing “no hands” method of golf. 
It’s actually quite simple… 

AND it’s guaranteed to drop 2-3 strokes from your golf game!

So as you can see, we told a story that has some benefit to our reader in Act II. It could just as easily have been a testimonial from a customer, or a step-by-step action guide. 

Now we get to the final part of your email…

Act III: 
The last act of your email is where we throw in our “sales pitch.” We do this by trying
to convince our reader to take a desired action (hence our “call to action”). 
This is where we realize our “intention” of the email. 

In this section, we’ll be using sales language to convince our reader to click a link. We
can do this by utilizing concepts like scarcity, act now, bribery, P.S.’s, and anything else we can think of. 

So with the third act in place, our email may now look something like this:

(ACT I:) 
I want you to read this email very carefully, because the survival of your golf
game could very well depend on what you’re about to learn… 

(ACT II:) 
Here’s how you can actually shave 2-3 strokes off your golf swing! 
I was out the other day with my cousin Bernie, and we saw a PARAPELIGIC on
the course who was actually swinging his golf club with his TEETH! 

Now, normally, this would be a site to see on its own – but this guy was actually
sinking drives ONE AFTER THE OTHER. 

After watching in awe, I offered to buy the guy a beer if he agreed to teach me
his amazing “no hands” method of golf. 

It’s actually quite simple… 

AND it’s guaranteed to drop 2-3 strokes from your golf game! 

But the technique is so amazing, I can’t explain it to you in this simple email. If
you want to learn it, you have to visit this special web page right now:

%Affiliate URL% 

Seriously, this will give you the competitive edge in your golf game that will
ensure you EMBARRASS all your friends and SHAME them off the greens. 

But this technique is so freakin’ powerful, I’ve decided I shouldn’t sell it for too
long. (After all, if everyone knew this, we’d lose our advantage!) 

So you better get it while you still can. Unless you don’t care about having three
extra strokes added to your game – in which case, this is DEFINITELY not for you! 

That link again is: 

%Affiliate URL% 

But you better hurry. I don’t know how long that site will be up. 

%Your Name% 

P.S. Did I mention I’m also GIVING AWAY three free DVDs about how to avoid
sand traps, eliminate your slice, and get away without tipping your caddie? 

It’s true! But you can only get them here: 
%Affiliate URL%

See how easy that was?

I just plugged the appropriate content in the appropriate act! And before you knew it, we had a freakin’ email finished! 

Now are you starting to see how powerful structure can be?

Lets do it now ==>  click here for do this method

Monday, January 2, 2012

How To Add Subscription Forms To Your Own Web Site

How To Add Subscription Forms To Your Own Web Site

Hello, My friend,

Yesterday's Training Article walked you through the process of setting up Hosted Capture Pages on the system. 

This Training Article is going to cover: Adding Subscription Forms To Your Web Site
Subscription Form Overview

Any web site that is serious about generating leads and prospects online absolutely MUST include a subscription form. Ideally, the subscription form will be on the first page of the web site rather than having a link that takes visitors to a different page.

The ideal placement for a subscription form is close to the top so that visitors don't have to scroll down to find it.
NOTE: We strongly recommend having your own web site to maximize your online success.

Adding Subscription Forms To Your Web Site
1.     Select the AutoResponder you want to create a capture page for by clicking the name of the AutoResponder.

2.     On the top toolbar, mouse over "Capture Pages/Forms" and click on Capture "Forms."

3.      You can scroll down and copy the form code that appears at the bottom of the screen or use the optons under "ADJUST CAPTURE FORM PARAMETERS" to change the width, create custom landing/confirmation URL's, change font types, background colors, borders, etc... to modify your subscription form code.

For a demonstration video of how to use these features,
 click here.

Don't be afraid to try various options and settings to get the form the way you want it to look. This is a powerful tool and with a little bit of practice can be very useful in creating capture forms that blend in with your existing web site look and feel.

4.     Once you have made any modifications you would like, simply copy the code and use your favorite HTML editor and FTP program to add the code to your own web site. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have added the subscription form to your web site, you are now ready to begin converting web site visitors in to subscribers. Your next step is to begin advertising your web site and capture pages so that people can find your offer.

Subscription forms do not generate visitors. The subscription form is on your web site to help you convert web site visitors in to subscribers. Advertising is a critical step and must not be overlooked. 

The AutoResponder and Lead Capture Forms are a part of your overall marketing strategies. For tips on how and where to advertise, be sure to review your Training Articles and visit our Member Discussion Forum in your back office.

Yours in success, 
Amin Fafizullah LLC

P.S. You can review this and all of our other Training Articles online by logging in to your back office at and clicking "Training Articles".

P.P.S. Was this training article helpful? Let us know how we can improve. We welcome your feedback and comments.